Colnago C59 + Di2 = Bianchista Ultimate Lust


Unknown said...

Same here, Gem. I recently emptied my special account for Reynolds 66mm carbon fibre wheels. I renamed the account C59 Italia and am now contributing towards it. Di2 would be a nice addition... will take a couple of years though. :)

PaulRGoulden said...

Having 'bike OCD' I can just imagine hating the way the cables would rattle inside the frame tubes.

Anonymous said...

Nice, but with a Di2 set-up it's always wise to have a couple of spare batteries. They're going to die at some point as their range drops over time having been recharged X times. Possibly something else to pack for a ride.


Phips said...

I am soooo tempted to go back to Shimano, just for Di2. And that C59 is stunning. *want*

Anonymous said...

From RoadCC's review of the Di2 in relation to battery life: "

Battery life, fitting… repair
The first question I asked when told I would be testing this set up was “how long does the battery last?” Albert from Madison (Shimano’s UK distributor) has sent me through a bundle of pdf’s and data that claims the battery pack would last on average about 1600km worth of riding before a recharge and that in its full lifetime the battery would most likely outlive anyone who rides with it (500 recharges x 1600km of riding....) so no immediate worries there! Clipped onto the wiring up front is a very small, neat little box of tricks that houses the warning LEDs and other gubbins for the system. The led will blink as the battery is running out of juice so you have a good level of pre warning. If the worst does happen then you can be out on the road again in little over an hour as the battery takes just this long to go from empty to fully charged."

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